amazon web services (aws)

US Gun Violence Forecasting

 binary classification

Uncovering Jury Tariffs in Chicago's Justice System


Firework Launcher
The Networks of War
US Gun Violence Forecasting


Firework Launcher
The Networks of War
US Gun Violence Forecasting


Uncovering Jury Tariffs in Chicago's Justice System
Maryland Traffic Violations
Tableau Gallery

 data storytelling

The Networks of War
US Gun Violence Forecasting

 error metrics

US Gun Violence Forecasting
Why to Use VIF

 facebook prophet

US Gun Violence Forecasting

 feature selection

Uncovering Jury Tariffs in Chicago's Justice System

 feature weights

Why to Use VIF

 force-directed graph

The Networks of War


Firework Launcher
The Networks of War
US Gun Violence Forecasting


Uncovering Jury Tariffs in Chicago's Justice System


Firework Launcher
The Networks of War
US Gun Violence Forecasting

 linear modeling

Why to Use VIF

 machine learning

US Gun Violence Forecasting
Uncovering Jury Tariffs in Chicago's Justice System
Why to Use VIF


Natural Processes for Nostradamus's Prophecies
Uncovering Jury Tariffs in Chicago's Justice System
Why to Use VIF
MTA Turnstile Traffic

 model evaluation

Why to Use VIF

 natural language processing

Natural Processes for Nostradamus's Prophecies

 network analysis

The Networks of War


The Networks of War
US Gun Violence Forecasting
Uncovering Jury Tariffs in Chicago's Justice System
MTA Turnstile Traffic


The Networks of War

 principal component analysis

Natural Processes for Nostradamus's Prophecies


Firework Launcher
The Networks of War
US Gun Violence Forecasting
Natural Processes for Nostradamus's Prophecies
Uncovering Jury Tariffs in Chicago's Justice System
Why to Use VIF
MTA Turnstile Traffic
The Solution is Right in Front of You


Natural Processes for Nostradamus's Prophecies
Uncovering Jury Tariffs in Chicago's Justice System
Why to Use VIF


The Solution is Right in Front of You


Natural Processes for Nostradamus's Prophecies
Uncovering Jury Tariffs in Chicago's Justice System
Why to Use VIF
MTA Turnstile Traffic

 singular value decomposition

Natural Processes for Nostradamus's Prophecies

 stack overflow

The Solution is Right in Front of You


Natural Processes for Nostradamus's Prophecies
Uncovering Jury Tariffs in Chicago's Justice System
Maryland Traffic Violations
Tableau Gallery


Natural Processes for Nostradamus's Prophecies

 time series modeling

US Gun Violence Forecasting

 topic modeling

Natural Processes for Nostradamus's Prophecies


Uncovering Jury Tariffs in Chicago's Justice System

 web development

Firework Launcher
The Networks of War
US Gun Violence Forecasting

 web scraping

US Gun Violence Forecasting
The Solution is Right in Front of You